I do not normally blog about stuff like this but i thought seeing as i already have a technology/coding blur of a blog, i might as well post it here!
So today, 4th Febuary 2011, the new untethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak was released! I have been waiting over two months for this jailbreak to be released. Ever since 4.2 was announced and released i have been waiting for this jailbreak. There have been many tethered jailbreaks around but i don’t fancy jailbreaking my iPhone every time i restart it..
There is no real need for me to upgrade, only one or two of my apps are currently showing me errors telling me about how old my firmware is but apart from that everything is working fine.
Here is a mirror of the windows jailbreak tool: (GreenPoison is currently down..)
UPDATE: Windows Download!!