Introduction This is a topic I have been meaning to cover ever since I switched to the Pixel XL. My SIM only contract was due for an upgrade at the beginning of this year and my mobile service provider offered me a great deal if I upgraded to a contact which included a phone. The […]
Tag: ios
Full length ring-tones on the iPhone!
In this post i will be showing you how to setup one of the songs lying around in your iTunes library as your ringtone on the iPhone. Please note this NEEDS a jailbroken device. First, you will need to find the song/track in iTunes. As you can see, i have done this many times before. […]
iOS 4.3 Released!
For all you iPhone readers, the new version of the OS is out 🙂 Version 4.3 was realeased around 20 minutes ago which just means time to find a way to jailbreak it to me 🙂 I will keep everyone updated as always on the jailbreak as soon as its out! What has changed?: Nitro […]
Untethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak tool finally released!
I do not normally blog about stuff like this but i thought seeing as i already have a technology/coding blur of a blog, Â i might as well post it here! So today, 4th Febuary 2011, the new untethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak was released! I have been waiting over two months for this jailbreak to be […]