echo “Hello World!”;
I woke up today thinking about what I could do about, one of my projects from the past. I started off by creating a simple index page stating that the service is no longer available however this prompted me to take a look at my old backup files. Luckily, I found backups for both my personal blog (this blog) as well as all the forum data for HostWoot! I, therefore, spent most of today restoring these backups for nostalgia and archive purposes.
The homepage ( has been updated to show the old logo, links to the old forums, as well as some randomly picked reviews from two review websites.
Whilst browsing through the backup archive for HostWoot, I found an old backup of this blog! I therefore immediately uploaded and restored all the posts and fixed most bad links.
This post signifies the re-launch of this blog! Hello World!
I need some suggestions for a new theme! Please leave me a comment below with a free WordPress theme you think I should use.
You have probably read this on most blogs but here goes; I am not too sure what I will be posting about on this blog, however, I am sure it will be technology related since I do not wish to speak too much about my personal life or my travels.